Well I'm building a 17 54 baker drift boat. So far I've got a pallet of expensive ply wood and one scarf cut

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To round over the frames or not? Besides aesthetics what's the benefit if any of round edges? Floorboards will cover the bottom frames anyway and I don't think I can really round over the matched bevel on the inside of the sides. I guess I'm looking for a "I didn't bother and it looks great" what do y'all think?

I hate sharp edges. Round is important for varnish and or epoxy not so much for oil. Sharp edges are more splinter prone too. You can knock down the edge with some sandpaper on those really sharp bevels. And they just look better. Just one opinion.

Thanks Mike. I didn't think about the splinters, makes sense to try and prevent them

Finally figured out how to rip long lumber, learning how to be a woodworker goes hand in hand with learning how to build a boat

I will say I would cut them differently if I were to redo it.  The plans call for 1 3/4 inch strips so that is what I cut them to. However I would have cut them to 2 inches if I had thought it through to allow for a little wiggle room in the glue up and then the final bevel


I gotta say I love your workspace - plenty of space!

Thanks David, my only gripe is that the closest outlet is 100 feet away next to that compressor. I'm still very thankful to have such a workspace. You're shop looks pretty roomy too though based on your build pictures

Im hoping to get my chine log scarfs glued today but a company lunch may interrupt that.  I wish my feathered edges had stayed in tact but I'm chalking it up to using this type of jig to make the cuts

Ill touch them up with some sandpaper before glue up

I`m with Mike B on the edges. I rounded over every pc of wood on the boat. Gives each pc a custom look, feels nice, covers better with finishes, resists dings and dents on the corners.

Thanks Mike

Looking good Bennett!  Thanks for the build thread, I will definitely continue watching.  Are you using ring nails to attach the sides to the frames?  Why do you use 5200 at the stem rather than epoxy?

I'm using ring nails for the frame/hull connection along with epoxy.  I used 5200 on the stem because I thought I had to, after discussing with Mike he pointed out that it sucks to use because it takes forever to cure.  I would use epoxy in hindsight

Thanks!  Looking good.


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