
My buddy and I bought this boat and tried to do some basic repairs to get her seaworthy, after we sanded her down we discovered some rot. The outer ply is rotten and about 6 inches of the chine log is rotten. We are trying not to replace all of the ply or the chine log. Should I patch the ply or scarf in a new piece? What about cutting out the rotten piece and putting in a new segment? I am just trying to get the boat ready to go fishing not a show boat. Thanks for any help.


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Bert, AJ DeRosa, Kevin and Dutch have had to do similar repairs to several boats. The first post with pictures and details that relate to your problems were posted on April 2, 2009 by AJ. If you use the search function you can find every discussion that AJ has ever posted. You can then fine tune your search to find the specific month and date. Kevin and Dutch work with AJ and have also posted pictures and discussions on doing a similar repair as your boat needs. Check out that information and see if it helps.


Rick Newman


This is a very doable repair.  Looks like you may need to replace some frame members and scarf in a new piece in the inside chine log but it can be done.  That old flaking paint on the interior has me worried.  It could be coving up more problems.  Take a small screw driver and poke around along the entire inside chine for soft spots.  Could be that the pictured area is the only problem but be sure.  Go to the blog entitled "Ed's boat is back on the water" for alook at a very similar project.  We scarfed in a frame and chine log that were rotted on this boat. 

The hole on the side can be fitted with a new piece of 1/4" plywood.  Cut a square patch and draw it onto the side panel.  Using a router cut the edge of the patch to 1/8" about an 1 1/2" wide and the same on the side panel.  This allows you to set the patch into the panel and be fair on both sides.  Use epoxy to stick it all together.  We used this procedure to attach a new side panel to Dutch's boat after he ripped it apart in Westwater Canyon a few years ago.  Search the Forum for this post.  Dutch posted a step by step on this rebuild.  I may seem like a big task to do this repair but is very doable once you get your head around these ideas.


Hope this helps you out.


Good luck and enjoy the process.



Thanks very much for the timely responses. This forum has proved an invaluable resource for me. I can't wit to complete the work so I get out there and makeore stuff to repair.


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