A gentleman named George dropped this boat off at my shop in April for some work on the bottom. The work is complete.  I have permanently closed my shop and I need him to pick this up ASAP.  I cannot find his contact information.  If you know the boat or George let me know. With the shop closed the boat is now stored outdoors.

thanks, Gregg

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From the photo, it appears to be a Keith Steele or Steve Steele.  The oar lock blocks appear different.  If it is a Steele, the Coast Guard plate on the bow will give the serial number.  If you call Steve Steele boats in Lebanon, OR, he has the original owners for his and Keith's boats.  That would give a start.  Finally, I'll bet it is recently from the Oregon area because the colors (Oregon Ducks), and Baker Trailers is here in Eugene.

I appreciate the response!  There are no plaques or markers to be found.  According to George it is a Don Hill, built in 1980.  I will contact Baker Trailers, that is not something I thought about.  It does have some distinct colors, Oregan Ducks! and the “ Fly Me” logo so I hope someone will recognize it.


Don's shop was in Springfield, Oregon.  I believe he passed sometime ago.  I do not know if he sold his business.  I bet Randy Dersham and/or Greg Tatman would know.

I have found Gordon!  Thanks

Gregg, I spoke to the owner of the dirftboat you recently worked on. I have known Gordon for 30 + years but didn't realize you had been working on his boat. I glad you located him and that he got his boat back. I hope your recent move results in a pleasant new place and location to live. From what I undertand the new location is almost completely opposite in climate, vegetation and weather. Have fun. I stopped by once this summer but you were away from the shop. I saw that Ryder had been making some changes in Wallace but otherwise it remains pretty much the same as I remember going back to the late 70's. Always a pleasant place to visit.

Rick Newman


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