I've been lurking here without posting for a couple of years, so I know how much valuable knowledge this community has. Thank you all!
I've built a couple of models of the Hindman Double Ender with Transom based on the lines that Fletcher describes in his book. The first model was 1:12, and the second ~1:3 and is a rocker for my baby. Both came out well.
I've also been toying around in Freeship with the lines that Fletcher gives. I noticed a couple of spots where curves don't appear to be fair, but attributed that to the software wanting to straighten out lines between points.
Lastnight I drew lines for another model of the HDEw/T, this time it is 1:12, but reduced by a factor of 0.8 along only the x axis (length). I am finding that there are at least two offending points to drawing a fair curve: Station #1 height to chine seems to be too low when drawing the profile (z axis), and Station #9 seems high.
I have gone back through my numbers, and all I can come up with is that there is a mistake in the source data (the book). My question is this: When lofting a boat, is it common that you find minor errors like this? Follow up question: What do you do in such a case? Pick a point that makes the curves fair? How do you then adjust the frame angles, lengths, etc? I think I'm probably overthinking it and should trust the wood to correct some of this for me.