Dagenwulf – A Sea Serpent.
Shiver me Timbers!
“They say that there is a way to navigate at night by the stars in the sky. I never learnt....”
If I ever tried to explain how I finally arrived at the name ‘Dagenwulf’; people would look at me very strangely indeed. And as for describing the actual inspiration for the artwork and the thought process that ensued after, they would lock me up in the nearest Looney-bin and throw away the key once and for…
ContinuePosted on January 20, 2016 at 4:47am
‘Shiver me Timbers!’
“The previous owner of this boat no longer has the time to restore ‘Fame’ to her former glory.
She will require draining of some rainwater from the bilge and above the floorboards, drying out and a complete cosmetic overhaul.”
Sounded so innocuous on the EBay website, didn’t it?
There it was, a seven day auction posting; which caught my attention on the latter part of the fourth day. And it had been inadvertently put in the wrong…
ContinuePosted on January 20, 2016 at 4:30am
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