Jim Rubino
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  • Laramie, WY
  • United States
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Jim Rubino's Discussions

Seat Heigth
12 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jim Rubino May 6, 2009.


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About Me:
Been a river runner for 25 years, built my first wooden boat in 2001 off some scribbled plans Andy Hutchinson was gracious enough to send me. Currently building two more wooden drift boats with partial decks, love to float the North Platte, Upper Colorado, and the Grand at least once per year, just about anything in Idaho, Yampa and Green.
Boats I own:
1 Briggs Dory, 2 McKenzie Double Enders with Transom &decks

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Jim Rubino's Blog

High Water Deso

Looking for any info from the wood boat people about what I might expect there, running currently 20,000, launching in 3 days and waters going up.


best, Jim

Posted on May 24, 2011 at 1:02pm — 9 Comments

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At 11:39am on August 21, 2023, Stella Abudheir said…

Good Day,

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Have a nice day

Thanks God bless.


At 9:55am on July 30, 2011, Jim Rubino said…

Hey Andy:  you may be back on the river, but thought I'd check in.  We had a great time, kept the dory upright, wildest ride through Lava of course but sure thanks for the heads up on the others.  Was looking at photos of the GC Exp. dories and am wondering if you can give me some idea of the hatch design you're using now.  They look much better than my current old school briggs design.


best, Jim

At 6:52am on July 1, 2011, Andy Hutchinson said…

Jim, You're welcome...(My 2 cts. worth, anywway...).

Upset-? I always run left there..or try to, hee, hee. (at least get to the slot, just left of the hole at bottom). It's: "hey, diddle diddle, right down the middle", w/ current flows, though....(25k). Hole's washed-out...

At 7:36am on June 30, 2011, Andy Hutchinson said…


-Yes, you can come in "tight" (to the left) at Specter (bow entry-best), and square-up to lateral wave feeding left to right. Anticipate an immediate-spin to right to meet the edge of large lateral wave/s off wall. (Or keep angle hard left and miss the "crunchy stuff", aiming for slack-water. (Not a bad idea to scout this...).

Granite has an "inside" entry at this water stage which is convenient. It's a floppy wave to the left of the burbles-(off left-side of main, rt. tounge), and it works to run the middle of this wave (floating, no-mo), and then square-up to laterals feeding rt. w/ a downstream ferry angle to left. This should take you towards left eddy or at least to left side of the monster tail waves (which seem to be feeding main current into the king-eddy on right. If you do end-up in K.E., you can escape down rt. side of island at this level. Scout this!

As a rule (for dories at least), levels at 20K+: Less rock crunching. More flip potential. Brad's right. Go practice flip drills, (an then you won't flip on the river..).

Have a great trip Jim!

At 1:45pm on June 29, 2011, Andy Hutchinson said…

Hi Jim,

You may be downstream by this time, but I just returned from a trip last night, so sorry for the delay. We had 25k flows and it's over-all a "forgiving level" for hard-hulls. Left entry at Hance, Right at Crystal, and of course, left at Lava. -Just gotta' be looking ahead and paying attention to the boily-stuff in the gorges. The old "anticipation thing". Specter is getting fairly juicy and be ready to meet a large lateral off the wall there by squaring-up with your bow there. Plenty of room at House Rock and Bedrock to get further right where needed. Tail waves in House Rock are impressive right now. There's a further left entry, also at Granite to hopefully get you left of the wave-train at the bottom, tail waves...(as King Edward really wants you, there...).


-Bout all I can think of right now. When in doubt scout and have a fabulous trip.


At 12:17pm on June 21, 2011, Brad Dimock said…
Upset is a minor rapid at that stage--go for the biggest waves you can find down the left. Dubendorff is also a beautiful wave train. Down the left and ride the waves.

I've beard Specter is pretty snappy at these flows.

At 9:17am on June 21, 2011, Brad Dimock said…
Re the entry in Lava: I typed "lefter" but auto correct changed it to "letter." Further left.
At 8:47am on June 21, 2011, Brad Dimock said…
Wow, where to start?
Ballast your load well. Lots of heavy stuff low and centered, fluffy stuff high, holding it in place. Light dories flip a lot easier.

Hit the waves as straight as you can, and if you have passengers, really work on high-siding. A little weight on their toes instead of their butts, ready to forcefully put their weight into the waves and then return to center.

Do a few flip drills (before the trip in a warm lake is nice!) so that if you do roll it you'll have her up FAST before she hits anything.

Quick release ties for at least the first spare oars.

Right in House Rock, left to center in Hance, Center in Horn Creek, down the gut in Granite and be ready to pivot toward the wall 2/3 of the way through (there's a lateral coming off the wall that flips dories who fail to point at it), down the gut at Hermit YAHOO!, right a Crystal, left at Upset, left at Lava. The left entry at Lava is letter than most folks think--that's why they go off the ledge.

But mostly just have big fun.

Also, I recommend beer, whiskey, tequila, and gin and tonics. Best not all at once except below Lava.

Rock on,

At 9:57pm on August 15, 2010, Den said…

what is a "partial deck" that you refer to in your profile?

Den in NH
At 3:15pm on October 5, 2009, AJ DeRosa said…

We would be happy to point you in a good direction when you arrive in Jackson. The river will be low but runnable and fishing should be good. I will be off Steelhead fishing at that time but Dutch and Kevin will be happy to help you out. Give them a call.

Kevin 307 413 5098

Dutch 440 506 1442



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