Christian Lazarides's Blog (3)

oar lock location

I am making a one man boat. I am using design aspects from a lot of different styles and contours. My question is, How do you determine where the oar locks to be, and how does that relate to the seat location?

Added by Christian Lazarides on June 2, 2012 at 2:02pm — 2 Comments

Epoxy vs Poly

Which is better, Epoxy or Poly? Secondly as you build the boat would it be wise to give every piece a coat of epoxy/poly before it gets installed? My logic for asking is, water likes nooks and cranked due to capillary action and since so many of the pieces will have a tight fit initially, but over time with the boat doing a little twisting this could cause cracks in the vial coat(s) of finish, thus leaving places for eater to hide. I also realize if you put too much epoxy/poly on you could have… Continue

Added by Christian Lazarides on June 21, 2011 at 8:40am — 3 Comments

New to boat building

I am brand new to boats and boat building. I have a pretty good idea of how to do what I want to do with a boat but have no idea what the terms used mean, i.e. rocker, length at beam. As well as how these boats are dimensioned. Should I buy a set of plans to get dimensions or are there specific formulas. If the boat is (x) long than it should be (z) wide? My reasons for not wanting to buy plans is all I want from them are the basic "shell dimensions.

Added by Christian Lazarides on May 28, 2011 at 8:00am — 7 Comments

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