I am excited to offer the McKenzie boat class again at WoodenBoat School in Maine this July. It's perfect for someone who really wants to build one but doesn't know how or where to start, or is intimidated by the array of skill sets necessary to do the job.

We will build the Hindman 16' Double-ender with transom.

We will start by lofting the boat from a table of offsets, correcting, customizing or idealizing as we go. We'll build all the frames, transom and a rolling-bevel stem. Scarf all the plywood. Assemble the boat, steam bend and scarf the gunwales, and outfit the boat as a fishing boat. We'll also discuss modifications to turn it into a whitewater dory. On day six we will launch the finished boat and the lucky winner of the raffle will get to take it away for the cost of materials. 

With the skills you learn you'll be able to build most any variation on the classic driftboat at home. And life on the WoodenBoat School campus is flat-out heavenly, situated on Eggemoggin Reach, just a mile or two from where Major Powell spent his final days. In off hours you can row or sail the heritage Woodenboat fleet. Too much fun.

Here's a link:


See you there perhaps?

Brad Dimock

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