I've look at the past discussions and wondering what the general feeling now is about rope wraps vs. leather.  I'm wondering if one uses rope wrap, epoxy vs. varnish on the ropes to keep them in place. 
Also I've been told that the button on the rope wrap should be above the oar lock, so one can let the oar go and it will be out of the way. 

I'm getting close to putting my Rapid Robert in the water and will post some recent pictures soon.

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I wrapped mine with the same nylon web strap that I used for the rowers seat. it's been three years now and no wear showing at all. I epoxied the ends and a couple wraps, maintaining a tight wrap is hard which ever way you go.

I have used inexpensive poly rope for 40 years with no further treatment, and no separation.  You just need to make each wrap tight, and when you pull the tag end through the wrap, pull the hell out of it to get the wrap tight, cut it close, end heat the nub so it doesn't unravel.

Here are some thoughts i have had about wrapping oars, check this link. If that doesn't work go to my blog here http://shoelessmusings.blogspot.com/ and search oar wrap.

Good luck and have fun.

Thanks elected to wrap the oars, didn't want to put a nail in the oars. Use fiberglass carpet tape to hold the wrap in the beginning.

They look fantastic!

  I like leather.   With some real brass tacks to close them up.  Very quiet and smooth.... Nothing sweeter than a pair of Shaw and Tenny oars with nice leather looms.   Perhaps a bit fancy for a working drift boat, but oh so nice!... 

   Also, and some will disagree, for a small water fishing drifter I like open top oarlocks.   It's easier to un-ship an oar when you have, quickly, and to and get it back in action without having to reach out and insert the pintle back into the oarlock.   The oars are easier to handle, when out of the boat, without the lock sliding up and down the shaft, also


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