Did a search, didn't seem to come up with any good dimensions. Anyone have plans for a scarfing jig for a circular saw?

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Hmmm by George I think I get it! Very nice!!! Thanks for sharing that.

tungsten, thanks for the link. really want one that attaches to the saw so I'm not limited by width. Guess I could use the 7.12 deg as a starting point.

Roscoe:  Glad I never throw anything away-  Call Tracy O'Brien Marine Design @ 360-7484089 or fax 360-740-0504.   As for a copy of "Scarfing Techniques for wood/epoxy boat construction"  It is copyrighted by him.  Just  a little 4 page flyer but very good info.  If you can't get him post again.

Good Luck

Sweeeet, Thanks!

I think I came up with a 4° angle for a 12:1 scarf joint. I made a jig out of 2x6 scraps and screwed the saw onto the jig. In the end I just used a belt sander and power planer


Here's a scarfing jig developed by West System for scarfing plywood sheets and it mounts to your skill saw.



Brad Dimock built a box jig that mounted to a circular saw recently. His blog is thin on details, but he might share.


Thanks to all the replies. Great Info. Think Ill give making one a try tonight.

If you can do some filing/grinding on the saw frame/guard you might be able to fit a true 8"blade in the saw. This worked for me and saved a little plane work.  Try the fit before to turn it on. 

Good Luck


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