Any one know of a trailer for sale in NE. Having quite a time finding one that will work. Best option so far is to pay a grand for a new one and then retrofit. Which isn't my prefered option. Can't find the long back roller on the web. If I could find the roller retro fitting a used one would be easier. Been looking for a used one but surprisingly there are few out there that aren't junk.

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A better option is to contact the Hyde dealer in Muskegon ,Michigan, take a fishing road trip and drag one back to the tune of $1400 bucks.

Or... build one. There are a few plans floating around, do a quick search. I don't have welding skills, but those guys are pretty easy to find.

I have a friend who just chose the first option I listed. Luckily, I get to go on the road trip with him.
(During Hex time in MI)

Going to MapQuest the milage. Just took a simmilar road trip to your state, down to Muncy, the Grizzley Industries store.
Hello Patrick,
Our trailer provider, Baker, went out of business this year. They were so close that we didn't set up a back up plan. Sorry I can't be of help. Sandy and I are looking around and will let you know if we find parts.

Was wondering when we would see you post again. If you locate the long roller let me know. Haven't been able to find a decent used trailer to retrofit. All the cheaper new treailers are to narrow between the fenders. Would really like to find a wide framed trailer so the boat won't have to sit to high, bottom can slip between frame allowing it to ride low between a couple of cross bunks. You would think with all the salmon fishing on Ontario I could find a trailer. Have a post on a great lakes message board, no luck so far. Getting old fast. Looks like buying a new one and retro-fitting is my best option. Hate to spend the money ($1,000 for something no where near the quality of a Baker) only to have to try and make it work.
Baker went out of business? crap. They made like 90% of all drift boat trailers, didn't they?
They made a majority of the small trailer on the West Coast for drift boats. 90% might be high. There are others that are in the biz from Seattle, WA to Medford, OR. It is unfortunate.
I had the same problem finding a long roller for my trailer so ended up using a steel rod with a length of PVC slipped over it. The pipe is a little larger than the rod and it works fine for my light 16 footer.
Here is the attachment
A roller is pretty easy to make. I just made one for my old trailer. I used 60" of 2"x1/8" wall steel tube, then made bushings from 2" Delrin rod from TAP Plastics. They will sell any small amount, so I bought 6 inches. I turned down 4" in the center to 1-3/4 to fit inside the tube (it machines like real hard wood, so a wood lathe is OK), then cut it on a band saw so I had two bushings. Then I bored out the center to 5/8" and welded some 5/8 rod to each side of the trailer frame. Painted the roller with aerosol bedliner.
Sounds pretty slick!
Come on over to MI and we can go fishing. Let me know when you are coming, we can make a float on a river of your choice, (we have a few good ones you know) and then you can head back with your new trailer.
Just give me the dates you want to come. I live just outside of Detroit, and you will practically have to drive by my place to get to Muskegon/Newaygo.

by the way... I retrofit a trailer for my drifter. It's a tank and it pulls straight and solid. it's also on the heavy side with 13" wheels which come in real handy on the washboard backroads on northern MI.


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