Well I'm building a 17 54 baker drift boat. So far I've got a pallet of expensive ply wood and one scarf cut

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I rounded everything in my boat except the chine logs - can't see how it will cause a problem. 

whew been a while since I updated this

Heres how I did my knee locks, ended up using true 1 inch walnut stock laminated for a comfy thickness

I just completed my side trays, seat rails today.  Took way longer than I had thought but I like how they turned out.

Started with some mock up action

Tried to figure out how to hold the rails in place while mocking everything else up, ended up with this as the way to accomplish that

So with the rails in place, I could mock up the supports for each frame out of mdf

Then I made the real supports out of 1/2 inch ply

Rounded over the edges and made a toe kick that seemed to still have enough support for the rail

The end goal, full length oar and rod storage

Used random scrap to decide on the width of each strip. Ended up deciding on 1 5/8'' as that was the most economical while still clamp-able to the straight ash rail.  Also started on the seat

Might want to consider a floor where rods will be stored. To protect them from jolts ,etc. Maybe Use 1/4” ply about half the width (3-4” wide) with a lip to contain them. The outboard sides can still be used for storage (beer, fly boxes, etc).
Nice looking so far though.

What do you mean by that Phil? I’ve been thinking a tip protector may be nice for the last 2 feet or so

So I ripped up a bunch of cypress 1 5/8" x 10 foot strips and started planking/stripping?

Originally I was using a compass for marking the bevel for the end pieces but later on I figured out a flat pencil and a block of wood made things way easier.  Also no photos of the bevel process but basically mark a line then plane the side holding the plane at roughly a 30 degree angle to match the side bevel.

Ended up redoing this one, towards the end I was able to fit them really tight once I got the process down

For the small strips I used 1/4" dowels to ensure they don't break off

Wow, looking good. Lots of work,eh.

haha all to avoid paying 200 dollars for a sheet of 1/4". Took probably 20 hrs.  Next time I'm just buying a sheet of ply and using dave z's method.  I did leave everything glued in as one piece and attached to the boat with two bolts a frame so if this is a miserable failure I can rip it all out.

Originally I was using epoxy to glue the strips to the ply supports but after a few strips I realized I couldnt reliable weigh about the appropriate ratio without wasting a ton of epoxy.  So I switched to gorilla glue, which means clamping is a must.  But you cant clamp it down so weight was the only option.  Used titebond iii for between the strips since I didnt want to buy a bunch more epoxy.

Last piece going in

Finished except for oil, been raining a little much here lately

Looks really nice!


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