I just posted a few videos of the Edith—the Kolb boat I just finished—running the Big Drops in Cataract Canyon last week. That is one wet boat, but hard to pivot! 


I haven't found the way to downsize these for the web without losing  lot of clarity. Oh well. Check 'em out at:




I head to Lee's Ferry with Edith in the morning for a Grand Canyon run. Eeeek!


Here are a couple still shots as well. The first is by me (Fort Bottom, Tower Park, Green River), the second two by Kate Thompson (katepics.com) (Big Drops Three and Two):


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Comment by Steven Miller on April 26, 2011 at 1:48pm
What hospital did they let you guys out of??  WHOA
Comment by Greg Hatten on April 24, 2011 at 12:34pm
Awesome Brad!!
Comment by chris towles on April 18, 2011 at 1:08pm
i checked out the video. nice line in big drop 3. it really is a thin window to hit that curling tongue on the entrance. last fall i misread the entance and got too far right. i realised i was offline when we hit that nice surf hole in the top. i had to make an emergency manuever to surf around the side and not over the top of that huge pourover. i ended up pulling into the middle channel, T ing up and hitting the huge hole at the bottom and then doing a 180 rock spin manuever off the bottom rock in a 14 ft self bailer...never even getting close to flipping. it was rough and tumble, and the other boatemen in my group all laughed at me..the lone kayaker on the trip for taking the "creek line" thru the rapid.
Comment by Rick Newman on April 17, 2011 at 1:40pm

Wow, thanks for sharing!  Good luck in the canyon!


Rick Newman

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