does anyone know of a quick drying surface glue to tack a 2" ribbon of kevlar around a corner before epoxying

I have a situation where I need to tack glue a 2" wide Kevlar ribbon around two corners and have it hold tight while I coat with epoxy.  The run is about 6' long, 1" wide and 1/2" high on both sides. I tried to just use the epoxy but the corners would lift and get air bubbles under them. Staples did not work either because it did not hold the Kevlar tight enough to the wood.   My hope is to roll on a light surface glue that does not penetrate too deep into the Kevlar fibers and also leaves the gaps between the fibers open for the epoxy to flow and saturate the ribbon. I would like it to dry relative fast but with some working time so I don't have to spend all day tamping the Kevlar down again and again.   super glue did not work.

Any ideas out there?   Someone has had to have solved this problem.  I can't believe I am the only nut that has run into this issue.    or    Maybe I am.

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I wish you could have made it. I thought I would have more time when I retired but I now wonder how I ever had time to work and I don't get most of my house repairs and such done. Maybe it has something to do with volunteering for Project Healing Waters several days a week, being the secretary for the local fly club and webmaster for four web sites! Anyway thanks for responding. I love Whistler and can under stand why you went there for vacation. I first went skiing at Whistler in 1969. Just a muddy parking lot and a couple of bars. What a different place now.

Rick N

I know you finally got t to stick, but a thought I had was to try Contact Cement to tack it.


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