My computer locks up when I try to go to the main page. Does anyone else have this problem?

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I am having the same problem. The only way I can view the forums, is by hitting the "stop" loading button before the pics start to load. I thought I was the only one with this problem. I am not a computer person, so needless to say this is very annoying.
Hello Nicholas. I've done a quick check and don't see a problem from our end. Everything is up and running fine with no errors.

If you are on a dial up connection or have a slow connection it might be that loading up the photographs is taking a long time which could simulate a lock up.

If you actually mean a hard lock up where your mouse won't move and you cannot move away from the page then I'm pretty sure it is not us.
I had similar problems when my computer was infected with malware and viruses. What is the status of your virus and malware protection. I and many others in the the computer science dept where I study use Avast, it's free and thorough. Malware Bites has done a great job for me of getting the malware out and keeping it away. Major Geeks is a good download site. Contact me if you want some help.

Rick Newman
Thanks for the help. It's not a hard lock up, just a browser crash. I'll double check my settings and viral protection. I like the site and am glad to have stumbled upon it. Lots of good info and discussion.


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