Keith Steele 40 year old boat, well maintained, several sanding and repainting projects over the years. Always used Exterior porch paint. So my question is, at what point do you strip down to the wood then prime and repaint? Use a stripper or just sand and paint? If a stripper what works best? Ray and Sigh at Rays River dories replaced the shoe (bottom) several years ago, got tired of gluvit. I am a winter and spring fly fisherman, too old for a summer drifter so paint remains my preference. Share your wisdom..... please:)

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Is the paint still bonded to the wood? If so, it would seem that roughing up the paint enough to provide a somewhat fresh and abraded surface would allow new paint to stick. Once you start sanding you can spend lots of money, time, and effort to achieve some form of perfection. Don't ask me how I know.

If the task at hand is to protect the wood underneath with a fresh coat of paint before winter sets in do enough to bond the new paint. Just my two cents, take the advice for what you paid for it!

Rick Newman

Rick, the paint has always been well bonded, a little checking over the years. I have always just sanded and sprayed with porch paint. Wondering just when do you strip down to the wood. I use the boat between 15- 20 days a year, store in a warm and dry garage. Regretfully I suffer from a type A personality and just curiously as to when one should strip it down to the wood or rough it up and paint. At present just started sanding the hull.

Hi Charles,

I agree with Rick.  If the paint is still bonded to the wood, I don't see any reason to sand through that bond and try to build a new bond. If you're Type A and desire perfection, this is still an opportunity to move in that direction.

I'm fully Type B, but I am also one who loves a beautifully finished boat.  Don't sand it just to sand it, but do sand through a lot of the old paint and use it to fair the boat.  Layers of paint will have filled low areas and you can sand off the high spots.  Stop when you generally get to the original paint/primer and fill any remaining low spots.

Exactly what I am doing. The old Helfrich pea green remains the same color so it’s difficult to ascertain which is which. I will continue to sand then fill as needed. Thank you for the feedback. I was a little concerned as to how much to sand and if all the original paint required removal at some point.
Ciao <‘(((((>{


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