I am an east coaster building a 16 footer and need some help putting together a side pull anchor system. I googled all the drift boat anchor system companies and sent Leelock some emails with no response. I am preparing to go to a sailing supply store and cooking up a homemade system. Anybody have any guidance on assembling a from scratch system. Pictures would be great if anybody out there has some. Jam cleats/cam cleets any preferences or drawbacks?


Thanks for any info,

Steve Ludwig

Lancaster, Pa

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I have taken pictures at the last two Wooden Boat Festivals and found some pictures from last years that show some options. I didn't build the boats nor speak to the builders about their systems so you will have to gather the information as best you can. I will later look at last years pictures which are on another hard drive and see if there are any to add.

Welcome to Wooden Boat People and please share pictures of your build with us.

Rick Newman
Here's two more pictures.

Rick Newman
Hi Steve
I don't know if you found this site in you searches but try http://www.dhdriftboats.com they have side pull (mount) anchor systems and parts.

David Edwards
Hey Steve,
Try calling Eric at Lee Lock 360 927 3403. You will probably have better luck by phone.
Thanks to all. Great info. I will post some pics when I think my project is worthy of a picture on this site. Right now it is frames on a jig.


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