Sitting here watching it snow on The Hanna Platte as she sits upside down in the yard and I know spring is close at hand.  This has me thinking of fishing and floating.  Anyone want to get together for another Colorado River float this year?  Last years was fun and we ran from Pumphouse to State Bridge the second weekend in August.  I was thinking of the same weekend and either the same stretch of river of possibly running from State Bridge to Catamount this year to avoid crowds and hit some less technical as well as different water and help with campsite logistics.  

Love to hear from last years crew as well as newcomers.


Mark Hilbert

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Hi Mark and all in wonderful Colorado - 

I was bummed I could not join you last year - just wasn't ready for the row and the weekend didn't work out.  Count me in this year! I need some rowing help but plan to float Pumphouse to State Bridge in a Raft with a rowing frame on April 12 and then have a group that will be floating / fishing with the raft, hyde drift and my 16 ft. Don Hill "Tuonella" on the weekend of 4/28 or 4/29.  Could be cold - so we shall see.

I am hoping to do the State Bridge to Catamount section as well, soon after runoff mellows out in July (no snow, lower runoff this year).  I think that stretch might have more promise with less people.  Sounds like Wade Radina and Greg Max might be our guides since they have floated it a few times. I am all for the easier float and the less traffic as will be the case from Pumphouse to State Bridge section.  I also read somewhere that Colorado State Parks and Wildlife are trying to set up some new takeouts and camping spots in the State Bridge to Catamount stretch with a few land swaps with private property owners. Not sure when they will be ready but might be worth checking out for August .  I am sure that I can also get my friend from Vail with the raft to join us to carry gear and / or people in August.  

Question 1: I ran Pumphouse to Radium on my maiden voyage in the Tuonella and bashed the front of my boat into a rock face (the rapid has a name but I can't remember) I was trying to steer the boat like a canoe and just didn't make it around the corner quick enough. Broke a couple of her ribs but all was good and she floated awesome, it was quite the adventure for my first voyage but made me think a little more about how to handle this.  I also rowed Rio del Rancho to State Bridge and did a cast and blast last September.  Caught a few fish and shot a few quackers.  It was a blast - so to speak.  

Question 2: Definitely camp on the river

Question 3: Any beer is good.  I don't drink anymore as I had enough to last the rest of my life and got full but I am sure that whoever is with me will drink and those that don't row don't get to decide!

Question 4: I think a shuttle would work but if we have this many people that are doing the same trip, I am sure that we could figure out some carpooling arrangements.  

I also know some other fiberglass drift boat guys that have rowed the State Bridge to Catamount section and I will see if I can get any details from them.  

I am psyched to see this happen and now we can say that we are having our own Wood Drift Boat Parade in Colorado !!!!  

Talk to you all soon - see you all on the slopes for now but look forward to seeing everyone on the water.

Anyone interested in doing the Pumphouse to State Bridge float on 4/28 or 4/29 this spring for a flyfishing trip?  Let me know.  I have a big flyfishing trip that weekend and have a bunch of great guys that would love to ride on someone's boat.  Otherwise, I will have to draw straws to see who gets to join us.  


Denver, CO

Hi Troy, glad to hear that you'll be making it out with us this year.  I think that Mark may have actually spent the most time on this piece of water, but I'm certainly happy to offer up any expertise that I may have!  I may be able to join your late April trip, but can't commit yet.  I'll have to see as that time approaches.  Do keep your eye on the water levels for that trip though in case runoff starts early.  I think it runs best at about 2,000 CFS.  If you aren't too comfortable on the oars yet, I would be wary about going at 2,500 or above as things happen faster and mistakes are amplified.  Keep in touch as that time gets closer and feel free to ask any questions that you may have.  Cheers!


Little over a month out from the Wooden Boat Float, thought I'd get this discussion back up and going for anyone interested in possibly floating with us.  Hoping for water levels above 700cfs.  Only rapids of note are in first 4 miles between Rancho and State Bridge, so State Bridge can be used as an optional put-in for those who are late for our launch or want to avoid some class 3 action.  Shuttles will be $40 from Rancho Del Rio to take-out.  Hope to see some of you folks there and please post questions/responses in this discussion.



Hi Everyone - looks like my schedule has changed and the weekend of Aug 11-12 won't work for me.  Huge Bummer.  Crazy schedule due to travel and family commitments.  Water levels seem to be going up a little and leveling in the 800 cfs area so it should work out great.  Someone please take lots of photos for this website so that we can show our wooden boat numbers here in Colorado to the rest of the world.  Have Fun and Happy Floating - Troy Sibelius 

Hello Mark-

I am very interested and can confirm in the next week.  PHouse was one of my 1st trips back in the mid-70s and I've done it countless times since.  However, I have never rowed a wood boat in there.  Are you running your boat at current levels (900 cfsish).  What, in your,or other's experience is the minimum flow for wood boats in pumphouse?  I am running a 16 x 48 fully decked DHill highside.

Thanks Mark for any more info



Hi Mike,

I've run that stretch as low as 800 CFS.  I speculated that with a light boat, I could probably do 700 or maybe even a touch lower, but you're probably going  to be rubbing some rocks at that point.  If I were running below 800, I wouldn't be bringing much gear along in order to stay as light as possible.  Considering that your boat is fully decked, it's probably a bit heavier than mine (framed 16X48 Tatman, no decking).  I think 800 is probably a good mark to keep an eye on with that in consideration.  Hope to see you in August!


Thanks Greg-

I'll keep an eye on the flow.


Greetings from the Northwest, you guys are making me envious. I wish; a. my boat was done, b. I had gas money and that I could come and float with you. I followed last years float with envy, wished I could have been to that one too. Just getting over a three week bout with pneumonia and complications. I hope to have my boat done by the time you guys are floating. If I get on the river then I'll think about you. Wooden Boat People is a great resource, I haven't met any of you guys yet but would love to. If you are anything like the folks that attend the annual McKenzie River Wooden Boat Festival you are great folks! I have a strong felling that you all are. Wooden boats and the river draw good folks. Maybe next year! Be sure and take lots of pictures, boats, people, fire-walking, the morning after, whatever. They are all good to see.

With envy,

Rick Newman

Thanks for the encouragement Rick, hope you get well.


Should be a fun float, we've been getting some rain as of late so hopefully the water level stays up and it'll be wet enough for us to cook over charcoal in a firepan.  I would like to launch by 10:00 am at Rancho del Rio, campsites are limited so we may have to make do on BLM land if sites are already taken but fun will be had, and no fire-walking!

Mark, thanks for the kind words. I think I have recovered! I worked fairly hard all day around home and then spent three hours resetting two toilets for a customer. Lots of fun. Much rather be working on my boat. I'm almost ready, got to prepare the house for my best rafting buddy from 35 years ago. Haven't seen him in almost twenty years. I'll be thinking about you guys. Good luck to everyone.

Rick Newman

Hi Everyone,

Is the date for the Colorado Wooden Boat Float still 8/11 - 8/12?  Just floated the section from State Bridge to Catamount in the Tuonella two weekends ago.  Flow was at about 850 cfs.  Looks like it is now up to around 1000 which is great.  We had two sections where we had to get out and walk through a couple of shallow spots, hit a couple of small underwater rocks but nothing too terrible.  1000 cfs will be great.    The stretch from State Bridge to Catamount is about 14 miles and it took us about 8 hours float time with very few stops.  There are a number of splits in the main channel around islands and if you don't pick the deepest route, may hit some shallow areas.  The sections where we had to walk were in these areas and we might have picked a shallower route.  This would be a great float to break into two days.  There are plenty of camping spots with sand beaches and there are no major rapids to speak of so it is pretty easy rowing.  We didn't catch many fish but another drift boat that we leap frogged with said they caught about 50 fish using green, shiny colored streamers.  We started having luck on a large green wooly booger but only had one of these flies and lost it on a fish strike.  Bummer!  The camping spots will have very minimal fire wood but many areas currently have open fire bans anyways.  

Don't forget oarlocks like I did!  Keep them in a fishing tackle box during transit and I happened to take the tackle box out of the boat after a lake trip and forgot to put them back in the boat for this trip.  Fortunately, Rancho del Rio River Center just up river from State Bridge was able to rent us two oarlocks from one of their rafting rigs.  Rookie mistake!  But we managed and had a great day!  It was exciting to have the Tuonella out on the river.  Except it did rain hard the last hour and a half of the float but we need the water!

Hope you all have a great time, sorry I cannot be there.  Might be able to swing a full day float on Sunday and meet you some where on the river.  But please let everyone know where the put in and take out locations will actually be and estimated shove off times in the mornings so that we have all the details.  

Talk to you all soon.


Roll Call: Colorado Wooden Boat Float.


10 days till launch

Who's in?

Camping at Rancho pre-launch Friday night

Saturday: Floating, chuckin' buggers, drinking beer, cooking brats and camping on river

Floating out Sunday







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