I am researching flows and wood boats for the Rouge. I have a permit in a few weeks and can't decide if I should take the raft or my 18 ft. Double ender Briggs style decked boat. The flows will be around 2500 or so.

Any words of wisdom??

Thanks ahead of time.


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Dave, Nice work on getting a Rogue permit, envious. 2500 cfs is kind of pushy in Mule Creek and Blossom but certainly do-able in a dory. I would pack light. Not sure if these words are wise or not, however based on previous experience:

1. Take 150 feet of lining rope and gloves for the Fish Ladder

2. Possibly go left at Slim Pickens

3. Possibly go left at Wildcat

4. Stay sideways in Mule Creek and don't rush it, (this allows you to pull or push off of the walls), let the water take you down river when it wants to.

5. Don't give up pulling just past the Picket Fence in Blossom, hold that angle and don't give up pulling :)

6. Tate Creek slides are fun in the summer for a refreshing cool off

7. Paradise Lodge is worth stopping at and touring, their small outside boat museum is cool

8. Be sure to hike the trails at camp, it gives you a different perspective of the river

9. If possible, hike down (or up) to Mule Creek on the trail and take a look, pretty cool

10. Not sure if the bears will be out, maybe stack a couple pots / pans on top of your kitchen at night and have your camera ready (little buggers)

Have fun, be careful, Robb

Dave, it's definitely doable at 2500 in a dory- I've taken an 18' alumaweld briggs boat down at that level, but after years of working down there it's probably more fun in a raft. As Robb says below, think about left at Slim Pickens, but I would be very hesitant to take a boat that big left in Wildcat. Alot of the rapids actually get a bit easier as the water drops in a dory since the channels are more defined, but I always get a bit nervous in coffee pot when my boat is physically longer than the river is wide (about 16' from the last rock on the r. to the left wall). Good luck and I hope that you'll post some pictures. 


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