Well I'm building a 17 54 baker drift boat. So far I've got a pallet of expensive ply wood and one scarf cut

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Have started removing my transom, it sucks. I highly recommend never removing anything epoxied. The ring shank nails are insult to injury but I just drilled out the heads and cut the shank with a hack saw. That being said it's doable and I pick up my trailer next week so the road goes on forever and the party never ends.

Robert Earl Keen......one of my favorite musicians! Boat is looking good and hope the transom refit works out well!

Chine notches went surprisingly well

Have to build a quick and dirty steam bender, going to let my chines sit this way to try and help them along in the meantime

I took a tip from Louis Sauzette's "Tips from a shipwright" blog


and bought a roll of 6 mil poly sleeve, so I could bend the chines and chine logs in place

- you can see pictures on my build story. Unfortunately, the poly sleeve comes in 1000' rolls, so I still have about 950' left - if you're interested in trying this, send me a note.

dhwitton at gmail.com

I have used a household cloths steamer successfully. Either directly on the wood or putting the wood into a length of pipe and applying the steam at one end with the other end slightly blocked. I bent my new ash chines this way.

Not to hijack the thread but anybody watching Lois's newest series on building the work skiff on tips from a shipwright? Really cool and the guy does amazing things with a skill saw.

Yes. Fantastic. And Louis is quite a character; and still has all of his fingers.

I considered copying your steaming trick but went ahead and forced it and I managed to not break anything.

You betcha! I really like the saw blade mounted on a hand held grinder! You could make a slasher movie with that.

got one chine in, one to go

and whoever said "dont trust anyone with a clean shop" is absolutely correct.  Dirty shop means progress


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