Wil Bake
  • Male
  • Boise, ID
  • United States
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  • Karl Mueller
  • Rick Newman

Wil Bake's Discussions

Best 18x54 kit?
5 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Rick Newman Jun 14, 2018.

10 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jesse Ronnow May 29, 2010.

epoxy for oars?
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jon Carter Aug 31, 2009.


Wil Bake's Page

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Rick Newman replied to Wil Bake's discussion Don Hill project boat gone bad...help.
"You are most welcome! Rick"
Jan 25, 2023
Brandon replied to Wil Bake's discussion Don Hill project boat gone bad...help.
"Awesome! Thanks for the response and pictures!"
Jan 23, 2023
Rick Newman replied to Wil Bake's discussion Don Hill project boat gone bad...help.
"Most drift boats do not weigh that much. My son and I turned my boat over by ourselves. Two more people would have made it easier. I built a rectangular frame out of scrap 2' x 6's with wheels at each corner so I could work on my boat and…"
Jan 20, 2023
Brandon replied to Wil Bake's discussion Don Hill project boat gone bad...help.
"Hello, sorry I know this is an old thread but I am trying to figure out the safest way to roll my drift boat over on its top so I can replace the uhmw shoe. I have a 16' tatman and I have no clue how to accomplish this. Any help would be much…"
Jan 20, 2023

Profile Information

Parma, ID
About Me:
Officer Candidate. USMC
Boats I own:
16' Don Hill - Project Boat

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At 9:53pm on April 27, 2010, Rick Newman said…
You missed a great show! Check out the pictures I uploaded. How are things going?

Rick Newman
At 3:00pm on March 1, 2010, Mike said…
Thanks for you tips on re-finishing my boat....I agree with you about it being a personal thing, and I think we've already decided on what we're going to do with it, we're just having trouble getting there and we've both have done our research but get mixed reviews and not sure what's best.

I found your project to be interesting because our Don Hill boats are identicle, plus in about the same shape prior to restoration.

I hate to bother you much but, I just have a few questions for you...

I noticed in your slide show, you sanded it down to bare wood. We're working on that now and man, it takes for ever. There must be an easier way or stripping materials to use that help out with the process, right?

Lastly, our boat has a plastic bottom and we weren't going to touch it, after reading some of the posts in the forums, I'm begining to second guess that decision. Is glasing the bottom of the boat the most labor intensive part or does it move along fairly quickly.

I'll probably purchase that book that Roger Fletcher has out there, it seems like it's full of knowledge on these boats and I could obviously use some:) Thanks and hope to see you on the Clearwater sometime.

At 5:26am on January 30, 2010, Rick Finnell said…
Wil looks like you'r giving that old boat a great second life. Looking forward to some pictures from the clearwater.
At 6:45am on November 17, 2009, Rick Newman said…
Wil, sounds like a success. I hope that you don't mind that I sent a "new" WBP to you. I made the assumption that you would be okay with it. Plus you get to show off your work! I haven't worked on my plans yet with the boss, however i have made arrrangements to work on Sunday so that I won't have the obligation to finish the work over the weekend hanging over my head.

At 12:41pm on November 15, 2009, Brian Richards said…
Wil, I live in Boise and I'm new to WBP.I have a few questions and Rick Newman recommended getting in touch with you. I tried sending a message but apparently we have to be "friends". I'll try adding you. Look forward to hearing from you. Brian
At 1:09pm on October 5, 2009, Rick Newman said…
Wil, I just returned from my dentists office. He has a place near the mouth of the Ronde. He only got thirteen fish, hooked and released last weekend on one day. He said the river is packed! I will do everything I can to get permission from the boss and find a way to pay for gas to get down there. Keep me informed on plans.

At 9:58pm on September 23, 2009, Rick Newman said…
The idea sounds good, let's see what happens. I haven't floated the Ronde since the 80's, it is a great float.

Rick Newman
At 3:48pm on September 14, 2009, Rick Newman said…
Great! Good to hear from you. It sounds like you are making progress.

My inlaws needed a shower installed instead of the bathtub they had as my father in law spends time in a wheelchair, walker, electric scooter and on of those lift-em-up recliners and a bathtub is useless to him. Their house is probably 90 years old and comes with its' share of problems and older construction techniques. Some of them are very helpful, lie the 1"x12" sheathing on all of the walls and ceilings means you don't have to find a stud to fasten sheet rock to. However it also means you have to work hard to rewire the pull cord switches and determine where the phantom wires come from and what circuits they are actually hooked to.

So my garage remodel and drift boat project remain stationary. But they have been helpful to me and my family for many years and their needs come before my pleasure.

I start school again next week and will see how being a formal student again progresses. My computer training has either come from the school of hard knocks or limited to just what I need to accomplish set tasks. I will be studying computer forensics and network security so it will be a big change from what I currently do with computers.

Warmest Regards,

Rick Newman
At 11:14am on September 14, 2009, Rick Newman said…
How is the boat going? How about your venture into the Marine Corps? Let us know what's happening.

Rick Newman
At 8:53pm on August 9, 2009, Rick Newman said…
Actually I should have said 12' 10" sorry.

Rick Newman

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