Last night we figured out how to build up the chine glass in a precise fashion, while at the same time finding a use for those pesky empty wine bottles cluttering up the shop.

Pre-cut and center-mark the glass tape, making a similar center-mark on the boat.

Impregnate the tape on the plastic-covered workbench.

Roll the tape onto wine bottles from each end, stopping at the center-mark.

Go to boat, carefully match the center-mark with the one on the boat.

Carefully unroll it along your chine-line.

When finished, discard the gooey wine bottles and empty two more for the next session. We are thinking red wine is best for this.

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Comment by John Greenleaf on March 31, 2010 at 4:36am
If I could only learn to "Functionalize" my drinking, my productivity would go through the roof..
Comment by Brad Dimock on March 30, 2010 at 12:49pm
It's a good thing we hadn't invented it yet or it might have turned out even worse.

The real problem comes when you're all set up to tape the seams and suddenly realize you need to empty two bottles of wine. Things could get a bit sloppy--both the boatbuilder and boat.
Comment by Rick Newman on March 30, 2010 at 12:46pm
Did this technique lead to the upside down boat builder/assistant picture from a few weeks ago?

Rick Newman

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