getting ready to start back up on the build,just a few setbacks but the frames are in place and waiting for the one dimension cut from the 4x8 sheet and it started to rain.not sure about useing 5200 on the frames and just how to go about getting it fared before driving in the ring nails in.hope i can get some pointers on attaching the frames and transom.

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decided to use thickened epoxy and ring nails for the frames,as for the transom i will be going with 5200

but would it be better to use white oak for the frames on the transom as i plan on hanging a 15 horse motor on the back? knee braces will be going in but will i still need to beef up the frames or is this an overkill? 

If you're looking for a technique to reduce the mess and align the frames, check out my post at page 2 of

I pretty much followed advice I got from Mike Baker

thanks Dave will try this,sounds a lot easier and cleaner than how i would have done it.


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