Hi all this is my first post here.  I am a diehard  spey steelhead fisherman and had been  looking to buy a drift boat . This last week  a came across  wooden  drift boat  for sale. I gave some quick research and the pros definitely  seemed to out way the cons. So I bought it as quick as I could. The trailer it came with bairings are shot and will be replaced  tomorrow.  So I haven't been  able to put the boat in the water yet. Not sure if I full understood  what I was getting  myself into. So I'm  reaching  out to this community  for any help ,advice,  or guidance anyone is  willing  to give. I will be taking  some  more pictures  tomorrow  of ares I see of concern.  But here is a picture  I have now does anyone  recognize this boat? Or can anyone  tell me anything  about the style  of this boat? KIMG0836.JPG

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Welcome Jacob. I think I’ve seen that boat here before. Others may know for sure. I look forward to seeing the pictures. Guy

More pictures would be really helpful. Here's some info on sharing pictures:

To post a picture I first locate the file so you could find it on your computer. Click on the small icon above the box where I am currently typing. It is just to the right of the small icon that says "LINK". That will open a box that reads: "ADD IMAGE". You can choose from FROM MY COMPUTER or FROM A URL. If you choose computer, then a double click will start the process of copying the picture so it can be posted on the website server.

When your picture will be posted it will be full sized and there will be no clear margin around it unless you select "padding." Selecting 1 means you will have 1 pixel, or very small space around the outside of your picture. Unless you are trying to place several pictures tightly together you can ignore padding.

You can chose to post the picture to the left right or centered on the page. You can also make a picture larger or smaller based on the width in pixels that you select.

Click okay and the picture will be copied to the post you are working on. Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions.

Your boat appears to be a "double ender" without more pictures of details it is tough to determine the builder. Are there any plaques or numbers any place that have been stamped anywhere?

Rick Newman

Here is another  picture  sorry  about the lighting 

And and another 

Thanks for sending more pictures. Not enough clues yet. The design has long been credited to Woddie Hindman. Roger Flethcher's book; Whitewater Dories and Drift Boats" might shed some more light on the builder. It appears to be a good boat. Keep us informed!

Rick Newman

I order this book  this last weekend  arrived  on Monday haven't  been  able to dig into it yet is this the one you spoke of or is there another

Yep, that's the one!

Rick Newman


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