Hey folks!

I have a question/plan to do a side patch where it attaches to the inner chine. Am currently replacing the rotted section of the inner chine and a small piece of frame.

I've attached a picture of the side, identifying the area of the upcoming patch with a rough chalk line. The patch will extend both sides and bottom to about 2" into the good wood.

The plan:

1) cut out the section at right angles

2) use this section as a template for the new wood, allowing for the saw blade widths

3) cut lap joints into the side and new piece (about 1")

4) fit the new piece in using 5200 as the epoxy

5) clamp off, let dry

My thought, and here is the question, was to glass the joints on the outside of the boat. This patch will not be seen since is covered by the outer chine. I just felt this might help the integrity of the patch and also add an additional prevention against further water damage. Keeping the inside area as clean, visually, as possible.

Please feel free to tell me if there is a better way! First time restorer/builder.

As always, your assistance is much appreciated!!! Thanks!!!!

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The general practice when cutting out plywood (or fiberglass) patches is to use a joint that is more scarf joint than butt joint.  A scarf joint provides much more area for the new and old material to bond.  For scarf joints, a 1:12 ratio of length of joint to width is usually suggested.  The material to make the joint is usually two part epoxy (West Systems, etc) rather than 5200.  It may take longer to fit the patch with the scarf joint, but with careful fitting and flush sanding the surface, the repair will have little visual impact.  

Hey Ants!

This is great info! Especially since I'm putting a new bottom on and will have to scarf the 2 new pieces for that as well.

I really appreciate your help! Many thanks!!


You might check AJ DeRosa's post from February, 2009 on doing in-place scarfs on the side of a boat.  Maybe this URL will work:


Hey Jonathan!

The link worked. Just what I was looking for!! It's pretty much what I was thinking of doing, but to have it laid out like this by AJ is perfect! I'll modify slightly to follow AJ's lead. Generally I'm a visual guy, I love pics of the process!

Thanks again!!!

Quick question. Run into a little bit of a dilemma. The boat bottom at its widest point is 49" edge to edge. (Ain't it always the way...) 48" is the norm in plywood, as you all know. 

Have any of you run into this problem? The obvious answer to me is I'd have to add to the width with another scarf. Not feeling it, but if it's the only solution I'll need to do it.  The original bottom only had one for the length.

Is there a reputable wood company that could give me a custom piece of marine grade fir, custom cut to work???

Kind of puzzling how to attack this! Thanks for all your help!!!!

Another thought occurred to me. 

Lap scarf about a 3" x 2' piece on either side of the bottom piece at the widest point.

Center the bottom on the boat. Then attach. There would then be only a 1/2" area either side which

sits on the inner chine, making up for the shortfall in width.

Shooting in the dark here guys!! Trying the find an answer. Is there any merit at all to this?

Peter, you could also do a more traditional scarf joint with 1 in 12 ratio on either side of the boat. Same concept as in the middle of the boat when plywood is commonly scarfed together. Plenty of examples of how to do so on here. Nothing special needed. a plane, time, glue and clamps!

Rick Newman

Thanks Rick!!! 

That's probably what I'll do. Just was a little concerned with the integrity of the bottom with the additional joints. But if you say good to go, I'll take that direction. 

She's coming along!! 

Thanks. Again for all your help!!!

The only boat I know of that's 49" on the bottom is a Montana Riverboats Beavertail, which was meant to be built as a stitch and glue boat.  Without any ribs.

When I build those I ignore that 1/2" sliver either side of the middle.  After installing the bottom I slobber up an extremely loose fitting shim, cover it with epoxy putty and push said shims into the two 1/2"slits.  Cover with more putty and glass over it. 

Hey Sandy!! Hope you continue to feel better!!!

Took a break from the boat and headed for the Smokey mountains last week. Just me, my tent and my fly rod! 5 days. It was a awesome. Zero cell service. Got my center back...

This is great and something I had been puzzling over in my mind. Believe this is the way I'm gonna proceed! Got the rotting part of the side and the inner chine removed on Saturday. Other than some sanding it's close to being ready to accept the new pieces.

Feeling good about the results! I will tell you making those first cuts was a little nerve wracking but once I got rolling, all good!!

Thanks again!!! As always you guys have been fantastic!


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