Here's the mechanical data on the Elec. conduit you have.
There are no mechanical properties listed only dimensions. If you want to know more you'll need to purchase the NEMA Spec for EMT Conduit and it's $ 57.
So Keep going, it'll let you know if it's "Burley Enuf".
Oops. Reading has never been my strong suit.
That is great info.
Seems like Rick has had a few challenges with a flat bed trailer......you might want to figure out whether you can eliminate the plywood bed and have the boat rest on the trailer frame fore and aft.
My drift boat trailer is designed so the boat rides up onto the trailer using the roller, but then nests into two frame elements. If my boat were resting on a piece of plywood it would be sitting in the center on one point with the stem and transom unsupported. As it is now, there are two resting positions. Resting on a single point would result in a lot more sliding around, in my opinion.
Well since my boat is named "Challenge" isn't that fitting? It tows extremely well and backs up easily. Time will tell if the carpet over the plywood is a good idea. Given the hurry up and get the boat on the road to the Festival and my budget at the time it works well. The majority of the bottom is supported and the boat slides right on and off. Original price was $400.
Rick Newman
Chris, sounds like you won't be using the bushings you purchased? Can you give me the dimensions? I may be able to make use of them.
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