im in the process of building the Bridges from Drift Boats and River Dories.ive got the sides cut and marked inside and out for the stations,the frames are made and beveled to specs.should i glass the inside of the sides and the frames before attaching the sides to the stem.any and all info would be much apreciated.will take pics soon
Yes so much easier when you can glass the inside on a flat surface.They will still bend around the frames with glass on the inside only.If the design has a sharp bend you could pre bend the panel then glass.
Welcome to the group! You'll find a huge about of good info here, and a lively group of members. You might take a look at a Briggs build here for a look at another person's first build - it should give you some ideas.
thankyou for the welcome and will be asking plenty of questions
You said glass the insides and frames, did you mean epoxy, or glass? If your gonna spend the time and money to glass the insides you might want to epoxy the frames and sand them prior to assembly to be closer to ready for your final finish, alot harder to sand afterwards and will save alot of time.
yes i will be glassing the inside with 6 ounce and thankyou for the heads up about the frames. i might not even get to start my construction untill spring .steelhead fishing is near and running off to the white in arkansas seems to be more important right now
decided not to glass but just wet out the problem is i used stainless screws on the frames, intended to remove them but the are in for good .am i going to have problems with the screws later down the road with rusting?
I had the same problem removing the SS Screws after the epoxy set-up around them. I took a phillips head screw driver and with it engaged in a screw applied heat with a propane torch about 1 1/2 inch from the screw to the screwdriver. After the heat is applied watch the wood around the head of the screw, don't let it burn the wood. I then let them set a few seconds for the heat to disperse in the screw. Then I was then able to remove them with another cold screwdriver. Some of the screws were still a little tight so I applied another round of heat and they all came out.
thanks for the feedback will try the heat,i did snap a couple off yesterday so for those i might try to use a plug cutter and fill with a dowel unless you have a better idea
I hope they last a while, Ive got a few hundred in my boat :/
first hole went well but snapped cutter on to extract the broken carnage i left behind and finish up with the other four.thanks for the advice about heating up the screws with a screwdriver,it worked great.
You'll have to dig out the broken pieces with a burr in a Dremel tool or dig it out with a knife. Then drill a 5/16 0r 3/8 hole for a wooden dowel to repair the schmucked-up hole. It worked for me.
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