Greetings, I just completed my first boat.  Well, not really completed, still touch up paint to do, and I could always do more fairing of the may never be "done" but this is version 1.0,  18' 4" total length, 59" at the chine, 84" at the oarlocks, 9 watertight compartments including the beer cave under the rowers floor, 2 four inch drains with removable covers for Lava, Hance and friends , 2 two inch drains with scuppers for light splash and a drain in the oar pocket. First GC trip 3-19-21.   

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Wow. That’s a beautiful boat! Looks like excellent work. 

Wonderful looking boat! Good luck on your upcoming float.

Rick Newman

Beer Cave... cool.

Is that "slot" on the oarsman's right side a spare oar holder?

Cheers, Robb

Yes, here is a picture of it before paint, it has it's own drain to the outside.   Also, you were one of the few people I e-mailed about a year ago for opinions and advice before I built.   Thank You for your help.

The beer cave holds 16oz cans.  People on my upcoming trip also tell me it's a good spot for vegetables but I'm not so sure.  The paint is currently all scuffed up because I'm sanding and getting ready for another coat.  

Bodacious Jack, beautifully done. Really cool to see your innovations, additional compartments, and the big 4 inch drains.

I would love to see more photos, if available.

Are you in Portland?

yes in Portland, I was rowing downtown quite a bit when it was sunny.  Here is the cooler and drains from the inside.  I got real creative with the marine inspection hatches.  I also have 2 inch drains with scuppers that are always open.  Interior Paint is still in process.

Oh nice, just a 4" Beckson hatch.  That's awesome.  It could be at/below the normal water line, but when you have water up to the gunnels, you don't care as long as it helps the boat float back up to normal!

I dig those small side hatches. I oversized my stern cross hatch to have access behind/around my cooler when the cooler is in place.

If you also have wood strip hatch braces on your side hatches, you could consider lacing bungie or a mesh bag between them to hold sunglasses, guide book, sunscreen, etc.

I also installed the grab handles to hold my seat in place, but found they got in the way of sleeping.  I've built (but haven't yet installed) some low cleats that will hold a piece of 1/4" plywood that I'll glue my seat to.

Have you met Bryan Tooley? He's there in the PDX area.

Thats a beautiful boat, I don't know any dory people.  In fact I have never really seen a decked Grand Canyon dory in person with the exception of the one I built.  I hope to see more soon.  

I did the small side hatches so I would not be sitting on something with a gasket all day and my weight is well supported by a bulkhead running longitudinal under me.  The hatch in front of me is 48" wide so it accommodates my big stuff.  I though about sleeping issues when I did the seat rails but I recently upgraded to 4" paco pad and the rails are near my feet so I won't notice them. 


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