I'm wondering if anyone knows of a source for an unadorned 1-1/2" - 1' scale ruler. I hate using the triangular one that has 6 different scales on it and having to check every time that I am on the right scale and not reading the numbers from the wrong end (which is a different scale)-- kind of like using a wobbly crescent wrench when I want a good 7/16" socket. I'm sure there must be a market for this--a one-scale ruler that is very well demarcated, instead of the bad job most all-in-one rulers do. But I can't find it. Any help out there?

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Try putting masking tape on the scales you are not using. If you think thats bad try using an engineers scale in tenths.
Good luck
That's a good start. But there is still a 3"-1' scale running the opposite way on the remaining scale.

I may just make one from scratch!
I have a starret steel rule, 16" with one side 1:12, 1:18, and believe it or not, 1:100 and something else. Its a machinists tool, I think you could buy one at mcmaster.com. Pricey, but will last forever.
Thanks. I am writing Starret to see if they make an 8:1, which is the scale all my plans are drawn to.
Brad, try this link. They seem to have a multitude of rulers and scales.


Rick Newman
Thanks, Rick. Expensive, but I think the 18" one will do the trick. I'll tape over the irrelevant scales and maybe re-number the 3" scale that is running backward on the 1-1/2, so I can measure to my heart's content and not get confused. The flex rule will be very handy in measuring strakes for the boat I am building next--a replica of Emery Kolb's 1911 Galloway-style EDITH.
Great, like Dave Z said they cost a fair piece but they last a long time. Is the boat for your fleet? Please keep us informed.

Rick Newman
Yeah, this is another in a series of expensive and impractical personal watercraft. The original specs call for white oak rib work and clear white cedar planking. I'm trying to track all that down. Damn, it's pricey! I may just go with Port Orford Cedar for the planking instead. At any rate, I'll be posting pictures and updates as the project begins.
I did order the ruler. $36 with postage! Ouch! (Starrett wrote back and said they don't make one but would be happy to custom make me one for $500-$1000. Makes $36 seem a bit more reasonable.)
Maybe you should go into the custom stainless steel scale business! It could make an even larger fleet of expensive and impractical personal watercraft affordable!

Happy Waves to You,

Rick Newman
holy cow, that is expensive. Mine was a hand me down form a retired machinist.

  They make a clip that snaps onto an architect's scale (those triangular rules with the various scales on various sides.   You put that clip on the rule (it snaps into the grooves) and then you only have a couple of 'wrong ways' to see the numbers.  If you pay attention, you can see the clip has a mark, you just have to remember which way the mark should go to read the proper scale.

  I have an engineers rule (like the arcihtec's rule..reads in tenths...I hate that thing.  Always get that one by mistake out of my ruler/square drawer.. I also have a meter scale...

  Best is a story stick.  Just mark all the measurements you use repeatedly onto one nice scrap of wood, or one for each boat, or cabinets you repeat, whatever.  I have half a dozen of those for various dimensions I use over and over.  No chance to screw up on reading your tape.


Use the triangle.  Put a piece of blue tape on the side you mean to use, that way you will be able to see that side.


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