Christian Lazarides
  • Male
  • Lebanon, TN
  • United States
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Christian Lazarides's Friends

  • Kent Klausing
  • Don Hanson
  • Brad  Dimock
  • David Payne
  • Scott Hepler
  • Eric Krause
  • Dave Z

Christian Lazarides's Discussions

Au Sable River boat
3 Replies

Does anyone have any info on Au Sable River boats. The specific one I am speaking of is around 20' long and 2.5-3' wide.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jason Knight Feb 6, 2014.

Tung Oil
1 Reply

Does anyone have an opinion on Tung Oil?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sandy Pittendrigh Jun 27, 2011.

Finger Jointed Plywood VS. The Scarf Joint
13 Replies

 Has anyone used finger jointed marine plywood. I found a site in which you can buy 3,4,6,12mm finger jointed marine plywood. It is a little more that buying the 4 x 8 sheets and doing a scarf joint,…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Andrew Jun 21, 2011.

A show of hands Please!
26 Replies

Ok it is dilemma time!Do I purchase a used wooden boat and restore it?Do I make one from absolute scratch?($?????.??)Do I buy a kit? (Montana Boat Builders) ($10,000 at most)Do I buy a brand new…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jason Knight Jun 13, 2011.


Christian Lazarides's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
Avid Fly Fisherman, Outdoor Enthusiast. I love to fish, hunt turkey and upland game.
Boats I own:
Only in my head as of right now

Christian Lazarides's Blog

oar lock location

I am making a one man boat. I am using design aspects from a lot of different styles and contours. My question is, How do you determine where the oar locks to be, and how does that relate to the seat location?

Posted on June 2, 2012 at 2:02pm — 2 Comments

Epoxy vs Poly

Which is better, Epoxy or Poly? Secondly as you build the boat would it be wise to give every piece a coat of epoxy/poly before it gets installed? My logic for asking is, water likes nooks and cranked due to capillary action and since so many of the pieces will have a tight fit initially, but over time with the boat doing a little twisting this could cause cracks in the vial coat(s) of finish, thus leaving places for eater to hide. I also realize if you put too much epoxy/poly on you could have… Continue

Posted on June 21, 2011 at 8:40am — 3 Comments

New to boat building

I am brand new to boats and boat building. I have a pretty good idea of how to do what I want to do with a boat but have no idea what the terms used mean, i.e. rocker, length at beam. As well as how these boats are dimensioned. Should I buy a set of plans to get dimensions or are there specific formulas. If the boat is (x) long than it should be (z) wide? My reasons for not wanting to buy plans is all I want from them are the basic "shell dimensions.

Posted on May 28, 2011 at 8:00am — 7 Comments

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At 7:16am on June 3, 2012, Brad Dimock said…
How does it work? Very well sometimes, very poorly at other times. I have since moved on to using a belt sander. Stack the sheets in a staggered pile at the angle you want, and belt sand until all the ply lines are straight and parallel. Most of these systems are really hard to explain, far easier to demonstrate. I do elaborate in the comment thread of the Mass Scarfing jig post on my blog. Can't think how to explain it any better. Best of luck.
At 12:03pm on June 21, 2011, Eric Krause said…

Christian, thanks for the comments. I had a little advantage when it came to building the boat, I owen a custom cabinet shop. Also, I only worked on it when business was slow (just over two years) so I took my time and looked at a lot of pictures from this site to get the best ideal/look/function. Good luck if you are going to jump in and start building a boat.




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