Looking for advice and plans and builders for a wood jet sled in thee style of Dean river boats.
Open to any and all thoughts.
Added by thomas m donnelly on March 30, 2011 at 7:33pm — 3 Comments
After I got back from a 6 day Cataract trip I went straight to work on the boat (I think even the night I got back after the 6 hour drive) and have been working ever since. I had the bottom installed the day before I left and cleaned the garage.
When I got back I flipped her over and started on the interior framing.…
ContinueAdded by Ben Kittell on March 29, 2011 at 10:02pm — 5 Comments
Sometimes a little pond fishing is just what the doctor ordered...
Added by Bryan Bowers on March 20, 2011 at 6:47am — No Comments
Grabbed a couple of hours to work on the frames today. The plans are for a 14' Canadian, from Spira International. As others have observed, the plans come a little light on details, but all of the necessary information is there to calculate everything that's needed. A quick search for an online trig calculator, and I was off to the races!
After the math was…
ContinueAdded by Duncan MacLeod on March 19, 2011 at 4:01pm — 1 Comment
Added by Jeff Robbins on March 15, 2011 at 2:08pm — 1 Comment
Edith had her debutante party today. She's way fast, and very easy to right. Let's hope I get to do lots of the former and not too much of the latter.
Here's a video:
ContinueAdded by Brad Dimock on March 13, 2011 at 8:00pm — 3 Comments
Other than putting her name on her bow, Edith is pretty much done as of midnight tonight. Although there are a few days of tinkering and accessorizing left, Edith really came together this afternoon/evening. Pretty exciting. I'll fiddle around with her tomorrow and Sunday we will take her out to the lake for the big experiment. Does she really float? Will she stay right-side-up? I'll let you know. Anyhow, here she is. Lots more pictures and stories at…
ContinueAdded by Brad Dimock on March 12, 2011 at 12:00am — 7 Comments
The strong back is up! It has been a battle to carve out even a little time to get this started, but I finally buckled down and did a quick trip to pick up some lumber. I was happy and surprised to find that Lowe's had some good looking select DF in 1x4, so I sorted through those and brought home about 72ft for the frames. That means I stand a reasonable chance of putting this strong back to its intended use, although not for the rest of this weekend or next week. Hoping to put aside…
ContinueAdded by Duncan MacLeod on March 11, 2011 at 4:21pm — No Comments
I recently finished my wooden dorie that I fitted the Yamaha Jet…
ContinueAdded by Don Wakefield on March 10, 2011 at 4:30pm — No Comments
Finally, after much talk and many questions I know have a camera and can post some pics about everything I have been talking about. So here it is, the beginning of my build of Bob Prichett's Classic Rouge River Dory using the plans in Roger Fletcher's Drift Boats and River Dories. I started from the VERY beginning... Insulating and drywalling the garage! Then came the…
Added by Ben Kittell on March 4, 2011 at 7:53pm — 5 Comments
I screwed Edith's decks on today. She really looks a lot like old Julius, with one big difference: a foot-and-a-half longer and nearly a foot narrower. Hugely significant numbers. It makes me realize how much Holmstrom was looking at the Galloway boats for inspiration and the Oregon boats for common sense and stability. Buzz really was a genius.
ContinueAdded by Brad Dimock on March 1, 2011 at 10:46pm — 6 Comments
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