April 2009 Blog Posts (6)

Henry's Fork Browns

The action is picking up on the Henry's Fork of the Snake, It ought to be great fishing the same time as AJ's boat show in Wilson. The Salmon flies should be out and the big fish too.

Added by Dan Burr on April 30, 2009 at 6:17pm — 6 Comments

Photo preview of the 2009 McKenzie River Boat Show and Float.

So many people helped pull this years show off. We had our best press coverage ever with KLCC doing a mini documentary on the influence of the McKenzie River Boat and our local newspaper covering the event in this mornings City/Region section. This awareness will go a long was to spark a wider knowledge of the importance of the McKenzie River Drift Boat and get us started on a historical museum.… Continue

Added by Randy Dersham on April 26, 2009 at 9:30am — No Comments

Thanks for a wonderful time!

Greetings everyone!

I just wanted to thank all that helped make the boat show on Saturday such a great time.

From the float down the river, to the barbeque and beer.

The conversation and cameraderie were a delight to participate in.

(Oh yeah, and the boats! Almost forgot.... way cool...)

Thanks especially to Randy and Debbie for their wonderful hospitality as well as for all of the work it took to arrange the event. You guys are really… Continue

Added by TJ Weiss on April 26, 2009 at 8:56am — 3 Comments

Webbing not Rope

Hello All,

So I decided to go with Webbing instead of rope as some of you suggested (Thank you). I was able to use the all of the same dimensions on the seat as were used with the rope which was nice. So far I have noticed that there is less "flex" in the webbing which makes for a nice tight seat. I have not put "a lid on it" yet for the boxes on either side of the seat, but there are coming... need to get some hinges. Anyway, thanks for the feedback.



Added by Jesse Ronnow on April 19, 2009 at 6:39pm — 5 Comments

Steele boat shop, 72357, Drift boat

My brother-in-law has had a drift boat sitting in his driveway for a few years. Today he told me I could have it if I wanted it. I hooked onto it and made it to the first tire store and had to replace one tire. I did not get much of a look at the boat until I got it home (four hours later). I looks identical to the boat featured on the 2009 McKenzie river Festival cover. It has a plaque with the name Steeles Boat Shop and the stamped number 72357. A quick examination of the boat shows it will… Continue

Added by Dale Mickelsen on April 13, 2009 at 9:33pm — 6 Comments

Progress Report 4.11.09

Happy Monday fellas...

Well had some time the past week to work on the boat.

Finally turned her over and started working on the rails and stem/transom angles.

As of the now the rails are glued on with the holes drilled for the bolts to pass through... I will install the bolts after the rails are varnished. I pre-varnished the one side of the interior rails because it seemed impossible to get at the area after it was attached. I did not want to varnish before assembly… Continue

Added by Jason Knight on April 13, 2009 at 6:30am — No Comments

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