June 2010 Blog Posts (8)

Spring Trips

Still waiting to get the wooden boat on the river but here are some spring rubber trips in the meanwhile...

Owyhee River, OR: Early May, massive winds, a bit of snow, low water...gorgeous.

Copper River, AK: Early June, sun and rain, record low water, lingering snow, bears just…


Added by Kelly Neu on June 29, 2010 at 10:29pm — 1 Comment

Sulphurs vs. Boatbuilding

These are the times that try the souls of boatbuilders in eastern PA. Allow me to demonstrate pictorally with one of my beloved helper monkeys...

Which of the following Gavinses seems happier?

A) Rower's seat-sanding Gavin in my grimy garage...


B) Lehigh river fishing Gavin during the Sulphur hatch

Needless to say,…


Added by John Greenleaf on June 26, 2010 at 5:55pm — 2 Comments

Thinking about the next boat

I recently began thinking about my next wish list boat. I mainly fish the Deschutes, McKenzie, MF Willamette, Lewis, and coastal rivers, though I desperatley want to fish the MF Salmon.

After looking at the Montana Boat Builders Freestone and Kingfisher I am thinking about a stich and glue boat with lots af creature comfort, and storage. Any thoughts formthose of you that have a sticth and glue boat

Added by Skip Rotticci on June 21, 2010 at 9:46am — 2 Comments

Drift Boat Trailers

For those who are intrested in a new drift boat trailer or parts. I invite you to check out my new web site (www.driftboattrailers.com). Keep in mind that it is undergoing construction. I welcome any and all feedback you care to provide. Thanks

Dennis Liden

Added by Dennis Liden on June 20, 2010 at 12:59pm — No Comments

My dad, Ronn Hayes, and I built the cabinets in the "Betty Boop" between 1967 and 1970.

Just about every evening for 3 years Dad would be out in the garage working on the Betty Boop. He was a very successful TV actor, and when he was not in front of the camera he was working in the trees as a full-time arborist. He learned to do this while attending Stanford in the early fifties, and it was his "Plan B" income for over 50 years. When his wife at the time, Betty (the name sake for the boat) was upset with dad she'd order him out to the garage so he could "screw his boat!" We… Continue

Added by Peter Hayes on June 12, 2010 at 1:45pm — 1 Comment

Name Painted on Boat (pics)

Here's our paint job compared to the original. I think it looks pretty cool.


Added by Brant Jaouen on June 7, 2010 at 10:18pm — 4 Comments

Maiden Voyage

I've mostly finished the boat. Took it out for some lake trials today, it didn't sink or do anything unexpected. Just a few more details, paint, latches, etc, but all and all ready to float. Next weekend Desolation/Gray, the water should still be up there, so hopefully I bring it back in one piece.

Thanks to everyone who posts (guilty of not doing that enough) this site has been a valuable resource.

Take a look



Added by Jimmy Emery on June 5, 2010 at 5:52pm — 3 Comments

Maiden Voyage of the "Cat O' Nine Tails"

We couldn't finish in time for the festival in Jackson, but we managed to get her out on the North Platte this weekend in Casper, Wyoming. Pretty pleased overall with the boat, although the high sides were rough in the Wyoming wind.

There's still a good amount of work to be done, as we have not installed the anchor system yet and we still need to Spar the entire interior (just expoxy right now). The System Three book says to wait two week after the…


Added by Brant Jaouen on June 1, 2010 at 7:30pm — 5 Comments

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