June 2012 Blog Posts (6)

The Book is Finally here!

The book that covers all the back story behind the 1950's Grand Canyon dory GEM has just been released!

It's called Big Water, Little Boats and included boat dimensions and almost 200 photos of historic Grand Canyon watercraft and river runners. The story included a recounting of a river trip on the highest water ever run in Grand Canyon, 126,000 second…


Added by Tom Martin on June 29, 2012 at 12:55pm — 3 Comments

Night Photography

Caught me a shooting star! 

How lucky is that?

Tequila Beach. Tiki Torch Party after a successful run of…


Added by joe nielson on June 11, 2012 at 4:29pm — 5 Comments

Fiberglass question?

I am completely out of my element when it comes to fiberglassing the bottom of a boat. I have applied finishes to all manner of wood from turned bowls to houses. For this boat I am debating weather to fiberglass at all.

Could I just epoxy the bottom? Or just FG tape the glue lines? Or do the outside only? What fiberglass product would I use? I see in the shops Fiberglass poly resin, can I do it with west system? Can I do it in my carport (open) and still avoid the problem of the smell… Continue

Added by Mark on June 5, 2012 at 6:38pm — 8 Comments

the rest of the story

I am trying to figure out what it might take to fix this boat up and maybe use it for a couple of year.  It has what appears to be a 1/4 " thick sheet of plastic on the bottom and a 1/2 wide plastic strip around the bottom edge  it is all attached with glue and SS screws.   It is all ¼ marine plywood with oak spares and hand rail with a ½ “plywood bottom.  The inside was vanished I would assume with some type of marine product and a solid color paint on the outside. 

I thinking I need…


Added by Scott Pilcher on June 4, 2012 at 3:26pm — 1 Comment

oar lock location

I am making a one man boat. I am using design aspects from a lot of different styles and contours. My question is, How do you determine where the oar locks to be, and how does that relate to the seat location?

Added by Christian Lazarides on June 2, 2012 at 2:02pm — 2 Comments

Trying to identify the similar types of boats

Dear friends! This photo was done in in Saint-Petersburg at the beginning of the 20th century. The boat is called "GATCHINKA" after the name of town near Saint-Petersbutg.  This boat is not very typical for Russia. May be someone know the similar types...…


Added by Pavel Filin on June 2, 2012 at 3:03am — 3 Comments

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