July 2011 Blog Posts (6)

Working on my MBB Freestone


I actually started working on this thing LAST FALL for cryin out loud! Progress has been slow, but it is going well. I have all the inside seams glued up with thickened epoxy. Tonight i am going to lay fiberglass tape over all these fillets.

This weekend I am hoping to turn it over and do another layer of kevlar...and POSSIBLY another layer of fiberglass on the bottom??? Right now i have two layers of glass and one layer of kevlar. The bottom is pretty strong right now, but…


Added by John Kappus on July 29, 2011 at 9:14am — 6 Comments


So I rowed down the run a little ways and anchored up just above the tailout. The water is running Bombay gin clear today. We can see 3 large trout and a few dollies in 6 feet of water in the “V” just ahead of said tailout more clearly than if we’d had scuba gear. Mi compadre pescador irfshn is in the bow of Jack Salmon II and the omnipresent upstream wind swings him into perfect position.


irfshn in the bow of Jack Salmon II last Fall:…


Added by Will Kimball on July 24, 2011 at 10:57pm — No Comments

Standing water areas

I own a 18' white water dory that was built by River Wood Expedition. I purchased it from a commercial river company because it was in pretty bad shape and they pretty much wrote it off. It is now just used for my family purposes. I have repaired a large hole in the bottom of it and I have done alot of cosmetic work using epoxy and fillers. However, I've been having some trouble with the foot wells because of the standing water and high traffice. The original stuff was really durable almost… Continue

Added by Bryan Torgerson on July 22, 2011 at 3:14pm — 3 Comments

Driftwood Drift Boat: Putting it together

My goal has been to build as quickly and cheaply as possible.  Its really fun just ripping angles into this warped and knotty drift wood and not worrying about the details.  Close enough is the name of the game.

The beach had plenty of pieces of 3/4" and…


Added by Kelly Neu on July 8, 2011 at 5:32pm — 7 Comments

Driftwood Drift Boat: Materials2

After the driftwood for the frames were found I went in search of plywood.  It turns out the only plywood that survives the ocean and ends up on the beach is 3/4" or thicker.  However,  I didn't find that out until I had hauled about 400Lbs of the stuff home and measured it.  WaWaah.  At least I provided entertainment for the residents of sunlight beach as I rowed back and forth with a steadily sinking boat loaded with way too much drift plywood.  I imagined people were making bets on when…


Added by Kelly Neu on July 1, 2011 at 1:03pm — 1 Comment

Driftwood Drift Boat: Materials1

So... After constructing the beautiful Zizumara, a boat I love a little too much, I thought a new direction in boatbuilding was in order.  Hence, the McDrift boat was born.  Attributes: cheap, disposable, made of wood and nails and a little oil to help it last 5 days on the Salmon River.  What happens on day 5? -Bonfire, Dam clogger, a return to drift wood or perhaps a free boat for the next river runner, who knows but it doesn't have to come back home.  This is a oneway trip boat.  (That…


Added by Kelly Neu on July 1, 2011 at 12:51pm — No Comments

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