I have not figured out how to post pics here yet. For now, I will reference you to my Picasa web album(s) with about 20 pics of this project as it's progressed 'till now.
I was commissioned to bring this boat back to life late last fall. It was soaking wet, full of ice and leaves, a forlorn sight as the client pulled up to my shop with it. He's a recreational floater, wanted the boat saved, if possible, so he could float it this summer. He seems to be OK with…
ContinueAdded by Don Hanson on April 30, 2011 at 11:00am — 1 Comment
I have an older boat - A 16ft 1985 Rays River Dories Rogue River Model, with some rot on the floor as a result of an inadequate seal between the original bottom and the UHMW that was attached at some point.
The outside chines are in pretty bad shape as well, so will need to be replaced.
I'd like to repair it without replacing the whole floor.
Is there anyone in or around Bend, OR with some experience in this, that I could go to for help in repairing this little…
ContinueAdded by hal arneson on April 25, 2011 at 1:43pm — 8 Comments
Well, here it is. My parents asked me when I thought this boat would be finished... I said never, but hopefully I will be taking it on the colorado, Loma to Potash. Putting on finishing details.
My oar blocks had to have a nother piece of wood put in the middle bacause the lock was hitting the side of the boat otherwise.
Built decking…
ContinueAdded by Ben Kittell on April 25, 2011 at 9:41am — 3 Comments
Well some how I have made it this far, with much help from all of the folks on woodenboat. I would like to thank you all for all the help and advise through out the past few months. My Rouge is down to the finishing details: oar blocks, sanding, oiling, etc. Here are a few pics over the last weeks:
Got all the decking cut and in place, there are some sizable gaps where the decking should be closer to the boat, but they will be taken care of by the 5200 edging. The biggest one…
ContinueAdded by Ben Kittell on April 17, 2011 at 4:28pm — 2 Comments
I just posted a few videos of the Edith—the Kolb boat I just finished—running the Big Drops in Cataract Canyon last week. That is one wet boat, but hard to pivot!
I haven't found the way to downsize these for the web without losing lot of clarity. Oh well. Check 'em out at:
I head to Lee's Ferry with Edith in the morning for a Grand Canyon run.…
ContinueAdded by Brad Dimock on April 16, 2011 at 10:30pm — 4 Comments
Added by ronnie on April 14, 2011 at 5:42pm — No Comments
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