June 2011 Blog Posts (5)


Hello all,


I'm Bob from Salem, MA, and I have wanted to own/build a boat since I was 10. I now have the time, and a place to work, but want to make sure I know what I'm doing before I throw together something thinking it is good, only to sink in the harbor.


Fair warning, my carpentry skills are, at best, minimal, so I may be asking a lot of questions. Hopefully, I won't be too much of a pest!  ( lol )

Added by Bob Simoneau on June 29, 2011 at 1:13pm — 2 Comments

Epoxy vs Poly

Which is better, Epoxy or Poly? Secondly as you build the boat would it be wise to give every piece a coat of epoxy/poly before it gets installed? My logic for asking is, water likes nooks and cranked due to capillary action and since so many of the pieces will have a tight fit initially, but over time with the boat doing a little twisting this could cause cracks in the vial coat(s) of finish, thus leaving places for eater to hide. I also realize if you put too much epoxy/poly on you could have… Continue

Added by Christian Lazarides on June 21, 2011 at 8:40am — 3 Comments

Great project boat for somebody


I'm just too busy to put any time into this, but someone with the time and skills could have a very nice boat in a pretty short time.

I'm selling my 1985 16ft Rays River Dory.

This was built by them, it's not a kit boat.

 It has some rot on a section of the floor and on one of the lower chines, but I've pulled off the UHMW, and it looks pretty sound otherwise.

It's on an older flatbed trailer, and I'm asking $850. for the boat and trailer. 



Added by hal arneson on June 20, 2011 at 12:48pm — 5 Comments


i am restoring a 1970 stauter built boat it was origanally varnished on the inside but was painted over by previous owner i have stripped old paint off and am now sanding my question is there is paint in the grains of wood it is built with half inch plywood so i am leery of sanding to much but dont want to have green spots under stain any tips

Added by mark a highfill on June 12, 2011 at 10:47am — 1 Comment

Question about oiling

What does oiling the boat and later painting over the oil do for the boat itself? Does it have a protective effect on the wood or does it just look nice on the parts that are left unpainted?

Added by Graham Marousek on June 6, 2011 at 5:39pm — 1 Comment

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