All Blog Posts (419)

Beautiful 16 ' Don Hill Boat for sale

This boat is in excellent condition , very nice wood revarnished , new professionally built floor ,

custom trailer , smoker oars . Age forces sale . $ 2,300 . Always stored indoors with TLC .

email : for photos .

Thanks , Mick 

Added by mick mickelson on July 19, 2020 at 6:47am — 1 Comment

Moving Wooden Boats

What type of apparatus do ya'll have for moving your wooden boat around the shop/garage? Pics most appreciated. TIA.

Added by Creed Williams on March 2, 2020 at 7:34am — 3 Comments

McKenzie Boat Class

I am excited to offer the McKenzie boat class again at WoodenBoat School in Maine this July. It's perfect for someone who really wants to build one but doesn't know how or where to start, or is intimidated by the array of skill sets necessary to do the job.

We will build the Hindman 16' Double-ender with transom.

We will start by lofting the boat from a table of offsets, correcting, customizing or idealizing as we go. We'll build all the frames, transom and a rolling-bevel…


Added by Brad Dimock on February 7, 2020 at 9:40am — No Comments


Noooo!  Had to store the boat outside for 1 1/2 years.  Tightly tarped to protect it but somehow water got inside.  Now I have mold from stem to stern.  Bought one of those "cloth" garages so it is protected but somewhat "open".  Looking to move soon.  Hopefully will find a place with a shop so I can work on it.

Added by Jerry Sweat on October 10, 2019 at 4:53pm — 2 Comments

For Sale 16 ft. rebuilt Tatum drift boat

A beauty! $3500.00

Completely re-worked. Includes oars (1extra), anchor, cover, storage box, trailer which has new wheels,lights ,tires. located in Palouse, WA

Get plenty of compliments when you row this beauty down your favorite river. Age forces sale, so the boat needs a new owner.  contact Scott@…


Added by Scott Nilsson on September 17, 2019 at 6:00am — No Comments

Refloating a 16 ft tatum kit

  1. Yes I let her sit since 2005.  Kids etc.  Bottom, battens etc are being addressed with penetrating epoxy then a full coat of the hard stuff. My question is I am seeing that skide plates, high density, are no longer suggested as neexed, especially for fishing/class I water.  Will another 1/4 inch added to be bottom, epoxed and some glass be enough or any suggestions are welcome.

Added by Colorado19 on September 10, 2019 at 6:07pm — 1 Comment

'99 Don Hill Custom 15' + motor - SOLD



I just wanted to make everyone aware of a nice little 15' x 48" boat that I have for sale. Please see my Craigslist and Marketplace links for more photos and info. Mods, if this is not okay please remove. Located in Bend, Oregon. Must sell. Thanks! …


Added by Ryan C on August 9, 2019 at 6:30am — No Comments

Drift boat for sale

I'm selling a nice drift boat for a friend. 17 ft, 1999 wood and fiberglass. All set up for fishing. She spent most of her life up on the Bighorn River. Fresh varnish on the bright work, really nice trailer with new rubber all around. Oars, PFD, anchor, beer coozies....all included! $5800/offer Hal  @ 970.531.2326. Owner lives in Denver, but the boat is in Pagosa Springs. Thanks!…


Added by Hal Jaeke on June 8, 2019 at 6:52pm — No Comments

1999 Wooden Driftboat for Sale

I'm selling a nice boat for a friend. Comes with everything needed to put in and start fishing ( just add rods!) Fresh varnish on the bright work, a really nice trailer with new rubber all around. Call or text Hal for more info. 970.531.2326 The owner lives in Denver, but the boat is presently in Pagosa Springs, Co. 20190404_133721.jpg

Added by Hal Jaeke on June 8, 2019 at 6:51pm — No Comments

Selling my Rays River Dorie

  I am selling my refurbished Rays river dorie  .  Located in Basalt Colorado. I hate to let it go ....

$ 4,000.oo   Thank's for looking ; photo's on my page.  let me know if you cannot view.   Mike


Added by Mike Wilcox on May 18, 2019 at 9:18am — No Comments

how prepped does the bottom need to be before glassing

Hi All,

I've got the  skid shoe off and in the garbage. All the ring nails are pulled out or clipped and back filled. I've epoxied/wood powdered all dings and sanded from bow to where the skid shoe ended. I was able to get that far using 80 grit.

My question is, Just how clean/sanded does the bottom have to be before glassing? From where the skid shoe ended to the transom is being a bear to clean up with 80 grit. So was the bow bottom but i got that done...with…


Added by Mitchell Culbertson on July 29, 2018 at 12:56pm — 3 Comments

Drift Boat Accessories and Kits

Hello Wooden Boat Peeps, I wanted to let everyone know that I can supply accessories and kits. Accessories include UHMW oar lock blocks, white oak kneelock horns with drink holders, Dierks double bow eyes with 1/4-20 all thread for bolting through bow stem, Dierks anchor systems, and UHMW transom bang plates for anchor swing. Also available are kits, anywhere from alaskan yellow cedar frame kits with AYC bow stem, transom trim, and frame spacing dimensions, to full kits where everything is…


Added by Kurt Selisch on June 10, 2018 at 4:47pm — No Comments

Smaller drift boat trailer wanted Boise,ID

Looking for a smaller drift boat trailer in or near Boise, Idaho. Similar to the one pictured. Can't exceed 6' (72 inches) total width. Must fit 48" bottom. e-mail:

Added by Richard Sutherland on May 24, 2018 at 8:30am — No Comments

Boatbuilding, oarmaking, bronzecastin: Classes

Most of you folks here aren't in the market for class, but for those of you that are, I just posted my winter offerings. If you want to build a boat, shape an oar, cast custom bronze boat hardware--but don't have the nerve to start out on your own, this might be just the ticket.…


Added by Brad Dimock on December 11, 2017 at 10:09pm — No Comments

Old wooden 16 foot drifter

Hi all. New to the site and to wooden boats. I have always wanted to restore a wooden boat, and now I have the chance. I picked up an old 16 foot double ender in northern California and am starting on it with a goal of having it ready for the Rogue in the spring.I can use any advice!

Added by Kevin Reiten on November 2, 2017 at 11:15am — 1 Comment

Restoring a boat (that maybe didn't need it!)

There was a wooden boat on Craigslist and I went to look at it.  It was pretty, and the seller said it only leaked a little, that he would not hesitate to take it fishing.  That was good enough for me.  It looked great on a soggy December afternoon in a dark shed so I bought it.  It came with a motor and trailer!  I knew I’d sell the motor and that would pay for sand paper and varnish, with cash left over to buy beer to lubricate the sanding and varnishing.

Added by Bob H on June 21, 2017 at 2:44pm — No Comments

Drift Boat Kit

I have a 16' Don Hill drift boat kit I never got around building and would like it to go to a good home and someone to complete it.  I have had it stored in my garage for over 10 years and moving soon to much smaller place so need to down size my stuff.  The Kit includes all the ribs, transom, bow stem, and a box of hardware.  I also have the instructions but will need to find them.  I can be contacted directly at:

Tom Burton

270 East Mayes St.

Dixon, Calif…


Added by Tom Burton on March 15, 2017 at 3:31pm — 3 Comments

Six Briggs dories down the Rogue

We should probably be arrested for doing this but we did it:

Added by Brad Dimock on August 23, 2016 at 11:15pm — 1 Comment

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